Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Class Six

June 18, 2012

Class Notes...
PowerPoint Presentation
- Media provides all these teachable moments
- Examples: economy
- Media literacy is a 21st century approach to education
- Television viewing is still the #1 after school activity for kids
- In the average American home the television is on 60 hours a week
- 85% of teens are involve din their personal electronics
- Based on the partnership for 21st century skills
- Every student in this country must be a critical thinking, a problem solver, an innovator, an effective communicator, an effective collaborator, a self-directed leaner
- Information and media literate
- Globally aware
- Critically engaged
- Financially and economically literate
- Visual literacy: how people see and understand things
- Most of our learners today are very visual
- Kids are very affected by images, especially girls
- Examples: magazines
- Information and media literacy is the set of skills needed to find, retrieve, analyze, and use information
- Learning outcomes: critical thinking, analysis, organization, brainstorming, cooperation


Overall I enjoyed this activity. I like the idea of creating something that is informational and interactive. I enjoyed being able to choose my topic and spend time researching it. I liked how you could click and drag your various items around the pathfinder page. I also thought uploading pictures and texts were fairly simple. I did run into problems trying to insert videos and links. I was finally able to insert a video after plugging in my mouse to my laptop. I was still unable to create a clickable link though. There are several links in the bottom left of my pathfinder page that I’d like to be clickable. I also found myself spending far too much time searching through all the options for types of chat bubbles, text colors, and then general placement of each item. 

This could definitely be used in the classroom. It would allow students to choose their own topics and create their own unique pathfinder page. It also provides a way to access and control recourses for that particular topic, students aren’t just surfing the web clicking on unapproved websites. 

The benefits of Glogster is the customization part of it, you can literally make it look anyway you want. There are enough options for text (colors, sizes), inserting images and videos, sound. The list goes on. Glogster would allow students to do research on approved websites. The drawbacks are the amount of time one can spend trying to perfect it. There were also some technical aspects that I struggled with, I was unable to make my links clickable and could initially not figure out how to insert a video. 

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